Das e57 ist ein Labor für
Interaktionen. Die Experimente verbinden
Kunst und
Tiere und
jede menge mehr.
Du kannst selbst mit ihnen spielen oder das e57 einfach nur besuchen
Neugierig aber nicht in Frankfurt? Die meisten Experimente sind weltweit!
Also ruf an oder schreibe von wo immer du bist!
FUFF - Freie Universität Frankfurt
At FUFF (Free University Frankfurt) students (you!) experiment with new forms,
new contents, and new goals of studying
Popular subjects (among others):
- Cosmic Monopoly
- Future Of Media
- The Internet Of Animals
- The Murder Of Kurt Cobain
vive la dictature!la dictature*h + la dictature*m = la dictature (h+m)Das Distributivgesetz!
la dictature h+m histoire KAF vive la dictature! ingredients examples characteres resultats videos objects installations photos images interferences paradis processes seminar interpretations artistes enfants IloveyouTV Transshopping Barbart Bureau d'Informations consultations calendrier
The website contains only some of the project. There is a lot more at the Experimental Bureau!
Is your Dog lonely?
depressed? longing for adventure? lost from home?
Many pets have made a depressing experience of life:
First in the center of attention and love, meanwhile they have often experienced torture stuffed in boxes stored in dark closets with tigers, bears, barbies and other nasty entities.
Our extensive experimental therapy will erase their bad memories and free them to express and fulfil their true desires.
We will even get them access to the internet...
other running projects:
reverse casting
past projects:
die welt hinter gittern;
unrealised projects:
raum 0x
die schwarze bank
events and cooperations:
UND#4 Karlsruhe
Designparcours Hoechst
UCSD students San Diego
Bookfair Frankfurt
Experimentalbüro e57
D-60316 Frankfurt
Experimentalbüro e57
contact information (all inquieries, at the moment only +49 phone number is working).
Please feel free to mail any inquiries, comments, etc to
Any data (esp. your email address) will only be used for the purpose of
communicating with you and will be treated confidentially and not passed
no cookies, no scripts, no spam, no facebook, no meta...
for inquiries regarding website and project please consult ifuz.net