Experimentalbüro e57 / Experimental Bureau e57
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News: Open call for next experiment IOABCN 2019
e57 is a laboratory for experiments, games, interaction. the experiments connect fiction and reality, art and research, football, fashion, animals and whatever you can think of. (see list below)

you can take part or just come by for a visit here.

curious? involvement is not limited to location!
so don't be shy to call or mail from wherever you are.




"FUFF creates exciting new experiments itself. Start one yourself!"
FUFF - Free University Frankfurt

FUFF - Free University Frankfurt

At FUFF (Free University Frankfurt) students (you!) experiment with new forms, new contents, and new goals of studying
Popular subjects (among others):

learn more: FUFF website


"Transshopping is an experiment involving artists, designers, and shoppers. It brings up a new form of shopping and how to create new things."


You can be creative by shopping now.


Information Bureau African Football

Information Bureau African Football

Vive la dictature!

"Vive la dictature is a tennis match between machine and artists..."
vive la dictature!
la dictature*h + la dictature*m = la dictature (h+m)
Das Distributivgesetz!
Vive la dictature!
la dictature h+m histoire KAF vive la dictature! ingredients examples characteres resultats videos objects installations photos images interferences paradis processes seminar interpretations artistes enfants IloveyouTV Transshopping Barbart Bureau d'Informations consultations calendrier

The website contains only some of the project. There is a lot more at the Experimental Bureau!



The Internet Of ...Animals

"Is this dangerous?"

Is your Dog lonely?

Is your dog lonely? depressed? longing for adventure? lost from home?

An experimental experience that will be surprising, intriguing and scary

The Edward Snowden elimination machine

"Puppy Dogs and what they do to you."

Please save me from Edward Snowden

everyday and everywhere...

...unless you have the immunization package

(ok, this is difficult if you haven't encountered the dogs yet)

Older stuff

"just to quote it"

other running projects:

reverse casting

past projects:

die welt hinter gittern;

unrealised projects:

raum 0x
die schwarze bank

events and cooperations:

UND#4 Karlsruhe
Designparcours Hoechst
UCSD San Diego (graduates)
Bookfair Frankfurt
Maker Faire Barcelona, Rhein-Main (Frankfurt, Offenbach, Darmstadt), Hannover
InOut Barcelona, Aldo Barcelona, (Astillero,) StudioDream Barcelona, Mutuo
Transshopping locations (see website)
FUFF locations (Atelier Frankfurt, AFIP, and more)

Location and Contact:

Experimentalbüro e57
D-60316 Frankfurt
Experimentalbüro e57

contact information (all inquieries, at the moment only +49 phone number is working).

Please feel free to mail any inquiries, comments, etc to

Any data (esp. your email address) will only be used for the purpose of communicating with you and will be treated confidentially and not passed on.

no cookies, no scripts, no spam, no facebook, no meta...

for inquiries regarding website and project please consult ifuz.net